So I am home again on a Saturday night like a loser! I was supposed to do something with my sister Lori, we had plans to hang out but nothing specific. She called me to ask me if I wanted to go to a Hockey Game with some people from her church. I told her I don't like hockey and didn't want to pay money to watch it and for her to call me when she was done. (They were supposed to meet at 4:30 or something) So I called her at 6:30 to see if maybe she wanted to go to dinner after she was done, and she told me she wasn't at the hockey game, she didn't go, instead she was going to dinner with one of the girl's she was going to meet up with, and that she would just talk to me later...
So does that mean I am the backup unless something better comes along? I know I know she doesn't realize she does stuff like this but whatever! I have talked to her about making an effort to hang out, and she promised she would, then she got married and Tony was leaving so I expected her to spend all her free time with him, (which I totally understand) but now we're back to this... it makes me mad! I want to be friends with my sister, you know, not just hang out cause we are related... but whatever.
Ted and Lisa (where I usually hang out on Saturday nights are at their friend's house for dinner) they told me I could come over later, but sometimes I feel like such a loser only hanging out over there along... they don't make me feel like that, I always feel welcome... but it is just hard to explain. I miss Katie that is for sure! I need some more Gal pals. Curt is hanging out with his friends tonight like always. So I am hanging out with Jadie... I love her but she is a dog. I'm hungry and there is nothing to eat, and nobody to eat with.
So I'm having a pity party for one!
At least my auctions are doing good. Oh well I am going to go call Curt maybe he'll feel sorry for me and come home. (doubt it I'm just his hormone raging pregnant wife that will cry at the drop of the hat) not his words, mine.
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