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Thursday, January 06, 2005

So Far So Good

Well today I am 13 weeks pregnant! I get really excited when I progress another week! I am starting to feel less sick to my stomach in the morning so maybe it is going away. I am not showing yet but I think my face looks "fatter" just look at the Graduation pictures compared to the one taken on Thanksgiving. I just want to know the sex of the baby already!!! I also want to know what this baby is going to look like! I always thought I was a patient person but 27 more weeks of this sure seems like a long time! Right now my family is visiting from Cali. I just met Lindsay and Ean and just love them to death! I wish we got to see the Cali side of the family more. Well I should actually go get dressed and head over to my parents because all the Cali family leaves on Saturday!

1 comment:

TednLisa said...

How cool to read all of this stuff.