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Friday, January 21, 2005

Well it is Friday at Least

So today I posted auctions on eBay, washed some clothes (I am starting to think we have more clothes then anyone else in the world!!), and cleaned up some of the office. When Curt got home we were sitting together on the couch (which we haven't done in awhile for some reason) and his Grandpa shows up (totally embarrassed because our house still looks like a pig stye and the yard looks bad because random stray dogs keep dragging stuff into our yard (like where did a blue plastic glove come from??!?!?)

Then we laid around the house for a while until we both were starving and I didn't feel like cooking, (or washing dishes so Curt could cook) so we went to dinner at El Porto's (Curt's choice) I just wanted some veggies. I didn't eat a lot. I think my baby belly is starting to poke out and my normal size jeans don't fit when I start eating. So I unbuttoned my pants and relaxed as soon as we got in the car! After we got home I ate peanut butter and drank a cup of milk (YUMMMM) I also let Jadie lick the knife when I was done... she makes me laugh when she eats PB!

I don't know what I am doing tomorrow night. I'm not calling my sister Lori, I'm still a little annoyed about last Saturday.

Oh yeah I talked to Curt about the whole Birthing Center thing and he is against it and totally for the hospital, which is making me mad! He isn't the one pushing out the baby! He hasn't even seen the rooms or willing to listen to what I say. So whatever. I still have about 5 1/2 months. Man I hope it is a girl!

I am sleepy but not tired... like I know if I were to lay down I would just toss and turn and yawn. So I'm just going to find something to occupy my time. Maybe I'll post some more stuff on eBay. Or maybe I'll look for this necklace I saw in a pregnancy magazine, it has a LONG chain that hangs down to your belly and when you move it chimes. Babies are supposed to be able to hear about 14 weeks (I'm 15 and 1 day) and it is supposed to calm them, and when they come out they are supposed to here it when they are out in the world and be calmed. I know it might sound cheesy but I want one! I found one online but it was $40! I don't think I want to spend that much!

My Mood : not sure Now Playing : listening to I love the 90's in the other room

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