Today started off not to hot. Our alarm clock has 2 separate alarms, and last night setting an alarm for me I forgot to slide the button down to two alarms... so Curt who gets up at 6:30 every morning to be at work at 7:00, woke up at 7:14 saying "what time is it??" so yeah he left in a mad dash (and honestly it was my fault)
I layed in bed until my alarm went off at 7:30 turned if off and crawled under the covers to snuggle with my dog Jadie for a few more minutes. Then I took a shower and began my day.
I don't know if anyone really realizes except for my family but my "Doctor" is actually a Nurse Midwife, and I am going to the Family Birth Center. There they do this neat thing called "Centering" which combines Childbirth classes with your monthly visits and the people in the class are all people due your same month. Which is pretty cool, I am hoping to make some friends!!! Wouldn't it be cool if I do then our babies grow up together being best friends, or getting married or something. Anyway I am just crazy about Jill, she is a great midwife!
Also you can chose to have the baby at the birth center if you want or in the hospital. At first I was 100% for the hospital but now I am leaning towards the birthing center. It is so much more personal. The rooms are like hotel rooms, nice and big and clean and the bed and shower are huge. Also you aren't confined to your bed, you get to walk around and eat whatever you want. The only thing is that they don't have epidurals but they do have other pain meds. They also have this really cool huge Bath tub where Mom's can just relax if they want, or they can even have a hydobirth! (Water birth) Curt isn't too keen on that last point but hey... when he pushes an orange out of his penis then we can talk (okay sorry to be so graphic but I think that is the equivalent of me giving birth!)
I am really excited. I still have to take that glucose test for gestational diabetes and I had the hardest time with them finding a vein to take blood. They finally went with the back of my right hand. But the best part is I have another Ultra Sound date... Feb 22, at 8:30 AM! I should be able to find out if I am having a little girl or boy!
Jumping subjects again, the classes are during the day, then they switch to nights, and I can't wait for those for Curt to go to with me. All of the other July mom's are younger then me except for 1 (who is close to my age). I think the youngest girl is 18 and I think only two of us in the group are married. Also, it is everyone's first baby except for one lady (who I actually recognized but couldn't figure out where! Then we both realized it is from her work).
Oh well I am really tired! I also cleaned the living room today and started to shampoo the carpets. Yesterday was my brother's birthday and I spent it at my parents hanging out with my Grandma doing laundry before everyone came over for dinner. We also got to see Doris which was nice (she is a friend of the family who is really like a little sister) I did 8 loads of laundry! I am getting stuff done. Also I need to post more eBay stuff as my auctions have all ended. I made $300.00.
My Mood : Cloud 9 Now Playing : The Movie "Troy" from the Other Room
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