So the Ebayer from hell is still a pain! All I did was ask the person to leave me positive feedback, I mean I refunded the money (her mistake anyway) because I just didn't want the headache!! And the buyer sends me this reply "I'll have to think about that!" WHATEVER!!
So I wrote the buyer back and said "Just forget about it, don't worry about it. I refunded your money because you didn't READ the auction and told me you wouldn't have bid if you realized the shipping cost so high (hello she lives in Cali! It is a little more to ship across the country) and I refunded the money because I wanted my buyers to be happy and as you can see from my feedback my buyers are thrilled because of the quality of my products and my fast shipping. I am sorry you are still unhappy I don't know what else I could have done"
The buyer responded with "Sorry you are so poor you have to overcharge shipping. Don't contact me again" Yeah I am the one worried about money that I bid on an item and then try to negotiate lower shipping charges. It made me so mad at first but then I just had to laugh. I mean come on! I am just glad I don't have to deal with this person anymore! Thanks to the wonders of blocked bidding!
Today I just washed some clothes, watched Vanity Fair and then Babysat for Ted and Lisa again. Then I came home brought Curt some McDonald's because it was fast and easy and we watched First Daughter which was OK. Nothing great but not bad. Now I am checking on my Ebay auctions and it is going to be a good week! Hopefully I don't get anymore crappy buyers!!!
My Mood : busy Now Playing : curt is watching monk in the other room
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