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Friday, February 04, 2005

Today Was a Good Day

I had an awesome day (until now thanks to an eBay buyer). I'm going to start at the end. First I get an email from a buyer asking about the shipping cost... on all my auctions I have either a flat rate price OR a shipping calculator that will tell the bidders exactly what the shipping costs will be if they win the auction. Anyway... I sold this pair of Levi's jeans and this buyer emailed me complaining about the shipping. (They live all the way across the country so Priority costs a little more then it would to ship something inside of GA) Well at first I told the buyer that I stated the amount in the auction I was always upfront. So the buyer sends the paypal payment with this little message about how I am overcharging shipping and if the buyer had known that it would cost so much that they wouldn't have bid)... HMMM it is called reading!

Well I was pissed so I just refunded the total amount of money and relisted the jeans because I don't want to take the chance of this person living me bad feedback because they are too dumb to read the auction. So I am going to eat the listing fees for originally listing it AND relisting. I added the person to my blocked bidder list (meaning they can't ever buy anything from me ever again). Ok now I got all of that off my chest!

Today I had lunch at Brandi's house (she is the editor of the Calliope, AASU's Lit mag) and she is just cool. I felt so special that she invited me over! I have been needing some girl time lately! I love my hubby but sometimes "Girl's just want to have fun" lol! Anyway after that we went to Target, grabbed some Coffee (shh don't tell Curt! HA HA! He is a spaz when I drink coffee maybe once or twice a month because of the caffeine but hey I don't drink soda or tea so it is ok) and then we went to the meeting.

Brandi is just so cool because she has her own style. She is funny and smart and sarcastic and we have so much to talk about like EBAY, and bad poems, and just strange things in general. Plus she is like this super woman who juggles all this stuff (2 jobs, being a landlord, school, Calliope, and a boyfriend) that would drive me CRAZY! Oh and now I can add to that list she is a good cook. She is also the one that suggested we name out daughter Hadley... I think the name is kind of cute, but Curt is like uhhh....NO!

I love that I am still involved with the Calliope even though I graduated. I miss school so much! I miss intelligent conversation. Maybe I should look into taking some classes (not from AASU too expensive to take just one class) but maybe a continuing education class, or a community art class or something. I just need to do something to exercise my brain. Also I think it would be fun to go to some sort of pregnancy yoga class or something.

From the meeting I went to Ted and Lisa's and babysat for them so they could go to a concert. I got to make Hamburger helper for dinner! YUM! Then I came home and watched the Apprentice and ER. Then spent the rest of the time until now updating my web page and doing Ebay stuff. I need to go to bed now!

My Mood : random Now Playing : Conan O'Brien from the other room

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