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Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Baby on the Brain

Well I thought I might have felt Lucas kick before but I am sure I am starting to feel him move around now. I started playing music to him at night. I'll crawl under the blankets and turn on my portable CD player with the Mixed CD I created called Having a Baby. It is songs about being parents and/or having kids. The song I always play is "Godspeed" (Sweet Dreams) it is a lullabye on the Dixie Chicks CD called Home. I remember the first time I heard this song (before the whole Anti-Dixie chicks Controversey) and I remember thinking I could see myself rocking my son to sleep.

I swear when I played it last night I felt little bumps from the baby. I have the kind of earphones that are two seperate peices so I listen to one and stick the other on my belly.

Tonight we went to dinner with Curt's family because his Grandfather's birthday is tomorrow and I had fun. I always have fun when we go to dinner with his mom and Grandparents. I just adore them and they make me laugh. Oh the way home I felt the baby moving all around (maybe it was the brownie covered in icecream and sprinkles that had him hopped up on sugar)

When we got home I talked to Lisa on the phone. I am so glad I have her. She is my source of all things baby!! I think out of everyone I am most excited for her, and my brother and her sons to meet my baby. Ok, let's see if this will make sense. This isn't going to be the first grandkid (or even grandson) on either side of our family. The only first it will be is Ted and Lisa's first time being an Uncle and an Aunt and the first time Matthew, Shane, and Colby will have a cousin. I can't wait to see our kids grow up together... especially Colby and Lucas.

I cleaned up another chunk of the Ebay room... also known as the soon to be baby's room. I can't believe in 4 months I am going to have a baby!!! How crazy is that! Everything I do or think now involves this little person inside of me.

Tonight when we got home from dinner Curt and I watched this PBS special called Nova: Life's greatest miracle. It shows how the baby is uhhh made, and how he grows inside the womb, and at the end shows a baby being born, at which point Curt turns to me and says, " I don't know if I can be in there when you give birth, it looks like it hurts." Yeah, I really feel for him... ha ha! I told him if I have to be in there he has to also! He is so funny sometimes.

My Mood : busy Now Playing : Godspeed

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