Well I guess my "signs" were wrong! There was a penis on the ultrasound. We're having a boy! I was scared I would be disappointed but I wasn't. I guess I just never thought about having a boy. (Now don't get me wrong one day I would love to have a little girl but right now I'm already in blue mode!)
Curt is happy! He was so cute at the ultrasound! He could tell what each body part was on the ultra sound before the tech explained what they were! I felt a little like Rachel on that episode of friends where her and Ross are looking at the Ultra Sound of their baby. Rachel pretends she sees everything until the tech walks out of the room then bursts into tears. (I didn't cry I just didn't see them right away like Super Dad Curt)
The day we found out I went to Old Navy and bought this t-shirt that said "Buddle of Boy" it is really cute. I also bought baby clothes from 3 different stores... I just love the attention from the caishers gushing congratulations at me!
Oh it was funny the night we found out we were watching One Tree Hill and two of the teenage characters were making out and Curtis ask "where are their parents??" I just died laughing!
We decided on a name already... Curt chose it (I'm fine with it) Lucas Owen Hunter.
My Mood : Happy Now Playing : Curt watching TV in the other room
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