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Sunday, March 20, 2005


So I think we have lost Curt's cell phone. I just realized it so it is too late to call anyone to see if they have it! I think it might have fallen out at his Dad's house. The last time I remember seeing it was on the way to their house. When we were leaving I remember looking for it and I couldn't find it. We went through the drive through at Arby's to get some dinner on the way home and I remember calling it so I could plug it in and it just ringing and not being able to hear it. I totally forgot about it because our food was ready, Curt was driving, so I stopped what I was doing to hand him his sandwich.

Well I couldn't sleep and remembered his phone was prob dead by now so I went out to the car to look for it and couldn't find it. I searched the car twice and still nothing. I think it fell out at his Dad's. Now it is too late to call there. Plus if it is or was there then it fell in their yard of in the street and it is gone now I am sure. I mean it has been 24 hours and someone prob saw it and took it. Curt's asleep so he has no clue. These is nothing I can do. Curt's parents live about 20 minutes away and I don't want to drive by there to see if it is there because of how late it is... someone might call the cops and think I am suspcious. Oh well they get up early. So maybe he can call them in the morning and catch them before they go.

Man I hate losing things... not that I lost the phone... I am just saying I hate when things are lost. It is so frustrating! Now I am wide awake. Oh well maybe I will try to go to sleep anyway. I haven't had any naps today. I should be ready to fall asleep and I don't think we slept in that late... but then I have no idea what time we did wake up... oh well now I am just blabbing!

My Mood : frustrated Now Playing : Danny's Song By Kenny Loggins

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