So after telling Curt about the missing phone he said it must be lost because he just knew he didn't take it in to his Dad's house... so I called and had the number suspended just in case somebody had found it just laying around. Laurie (Curt's step mom) called and told him he left it on the coffee table... So I was worried for nothing... he is such a misplacer! I swear I love him to death but he would lose his head if it wasn't attached.
Yesterday I talked to my Dad for a little bit. I am such a Daddy's girl. We are a like in a lot of ways. Anyway he is excited about Lucas... already has a nickname ready.. "Little Bird" because of his initials L.O.H. which stands for Low observation Helicopter I think... and they were nicknamed "Little birds" I think its cool!
Since my Dad got a job working for this helicopter place I miss him! He used to run his own business and I could just drop by the house and hang out whenever. Now he works a standard M-F job. I think I took it for grandted that he was just always there. Anyway I think I am going to take a nap.
I have been up since Curt left for work. I made him breakfast, washed clothes, cleaned out the Explorer, and put some stuff on Ebay.
My Mood : sleepy Now Playing : the washing machine filling up again
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