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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Yesterday ended up being an ok day. I was able to take a short nap after Curt left for work. I met Brandi for lunch at this place called "Ben's Neighborhood Grill," I had never been and I love going to new places. It was just like a little local lunch diner place. I always have so much fun talking to Brandi about random stuff! She always makes me laugh.

I came home and did some laundry and just messed around. About 3:00 on TV the news broke through and announced that Nicki Redmond was found innocent of all charges in the murder of Kevin Shorter. I would not trade places with her for anything!!! No matter what her life is changed forever (as well as Kevin Shorter's and all the families that were involved).

We ended up going to dinner with Curt's Mom Andrea at Logan's and had a great time! She also bought me some maternity clothes from Target, just for no reason. she is so sweet. I am really lucky to have two great mother-in-laws (Andrea and Laurie, Curt's stepmom) I have heard these horror stories about evil mother-in-laws but lucky I really love and respect both women. Actually today is Laurie's Birthday.

Man last St. PAtty's day I was in Trinidad and we were in a bar celebrating. It was so funny because when we all walked in all these guys were looking at us and smiling and the guys in our group told us to watch out! A few minutes later though those same guys came up and started hitting on our guys! We were in a "gay friendly" bar. It was the funniest thing ever! Us girls had the safest night ever in that bar and it was soooo funny!

No drinking for me anyway (not that I prob would if I wasn't pregnant.) I think before I was pregnant I might of had 5 alchoholic beverages over a years time. I don't think we'll do anything tonight... just stay in which is fine with me!

My Mood : loved Now Playing : toxic by Britney spears its on the radio.

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