I never thought I was a hateful person. Right now though I hate everyone who is sleeping! I have been trying since 10pm to go to sleep. I have been tossing and turning. If I found just the right spot then Curt would start snoring like a freight train! Serious, and he hardly ever snores!!! I seriously tried to shake him for 10 minutes and I started screaming at him to stop snoring!!! Finally he half woke up, and I told him "open your mouth!! You keep snoring through your nose." He told me "okay I will try but that doesn't make sense". He rolled right back over and I swear fell right back to sleep!!!! Of course two seconds later he was snoring... that was about 11:00
I came out in the living room and thought I would watch the Tonight Show... stupid repeat again! Where is my Jay Leno. I tried to sleep on the couch but it is just uncomfy tonight or I guess I should say this morning! I AM SO TIRED!!! At about 2 I had to go pee and stuck my head in the bedroom, and nothing... no snoring! So I thought I could go to bed!!! NOPE! I kept tossing and turning... I got so frustrated I started to cry! Curt woke up and tried to comfort me and apologized for snoring, and was all cuddly, which was the last thing I wanted, so I bit my tounge though because I know he was just trying to calm me down. He finally rolled over and started TALKING IN HIS SLEEP!!!!
So here I am at 2:46 AM writing... sleep deprived and miserable! Jadie, our dog followed me out to the living room and I yelled at her to go back to bed. I know she would just come out and sleep on me, which might tick me off!!! Hey I am sleep deprived! She looked so pitiful walking down the hall to our bedroom she kept stopping to look back at me. Hey why shouldn't she sleep too!
I am sooo tired! I'm supposed to meet Brandi for lunch tomorrow, which I am excited about I am just so terrified I am going to fall asleep and sleep right through it.
Which reminds me how annoyed I am with Curt's brother Michael! We had plans to go to lunch today to celebrate his new job. He had to go in at 10:30 to fill out some paper work and stuff and was supposed to call me when he was done... so I got up and dressed, and went into town to return some stuff at the mall to wait for him to call. (actually I called him before I left the house at 12:30 and got his voice mail). After finishing my returning I called him at 1:30 to see what was up, "Oh hi I'm having lunch with my mom, we are celebrating my new job!!"
Uhhh... Hello! I would have understood... he could have just called me and said "hey mom wants to take me out to lunch" I would have been fine! I would have slept in! I would have been thrilled. Instead I drove into town and just did busy errands waiting for him to call. I could have taken a nice long snore free nap! See I hate when people blow me off!!! Why is it always family though that seems to do that to me! Maybe they think you will be more understanding or something. He called me back later and to tell me about his job but I really didn't want to hear it! He also said, why don't we do dinner and I told him that's ok.
I am so tired! the other thing is if I lay down I have to pee. If I go pee 5 minutes later I am thirsty. If I get a drink then five minutes later I have to pee! It is a vicious cycle! It reminds me of this book I had as a kid called "If you give a mouse a cookie" I should get it for Lucas. I can't wait to get him all the books I enjoyed as a kid. (okay minus the baby sister's club and sweet valley) Speaking of Lucas I know the second I finally do get to lay down and about to fall alseep he will decide to wake up and start moving around!!!
Man there is no sleep for the weary!
My Mood : frustrated Now Playing : kanye west when it all falls down
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