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Saturday, March 12, 2005

I can't sleep

Well I had gotten on a normal schedule but when I layed down my heart started to beat fast and it slpws down when I sit up.. strange. So here I am.

I've been really proud of myself lately. I've been washing dishes after each meal (amazing how its easier doing a few dishes then washing every dish in the house! lol) I've also started to get up before Curt and make him breakfast... I love how quiet the house is when nobody is awake, plus it saves us money because he isn't stopping at a gas station to get some over priced biscuit.. also I eat breakfast too which I used to hate to do, but I know I need to because of the baby. Everyone has started refering to him as Lucas, which is strange... because it is one more thing that makes me realize there is a living baby inside of me! WOW! It is still hard to wrap my brain around that.

Curt is driving me crazy because he keeps yelling at me "you are crushing the baby" because I havene't been wearing "maternity" pants all the time. They are expensive and fit funny so I've just been buying my favorite brands on Ebay 2 sizes bigger and they are more comforable. I have talked to tons of moms who did this, and who never wore a stitch of matenity clothing their entire pregnancy. He just cracks me up becase he is all of a sudded a baby expect... well a pregnancy expert, and while this is my first time (his too) at least I've been reading books! He just makes up his own opinions. Oh well it keeps me laughing and I have someone to yell at when I need to get out my frustrations (I am kidding! Well mostly!)

Poor guy had to go get glasses yesterday because his broke... he was blind for about 24 hours becfore we could get an appointment and then pick up his glasses. Also my nephew fell down and hurt his face pretty bad (he even had to get surgery) Well I am going to bed now. My heart is normal now.

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