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Sunday, March 13, 2005

I felt the baby kick

So all day yesterday I think I was having Braxton Hicks Contractions (they are like fake comtractions and some women get them and some women don't). They aren't the same thing as pre-term labor. It was the strangest feeling, it sort of felt like my body was doing kegals only I wasn't controlling them and the were very random and would last for about 1 second each. But then who knows.. myabe it was my tummy growing and stretching and it was a muscle spasm or something.

One cool thing did happen last night. I felt my baby kick and I know it was a real kick! This whole time I have thought I have felt Lucas but I wasn't sure. It could be gas from an upset stomach it could be my muscles just growing... but last night I had my hand on my belly trying to go to sleep and he decides to start showing off. I felt him kick from the inside and the outside (where my hand was). It was the coolest thing, I started crying. Of course Curt was alseep. Lucas always starts to move around late at night... I'm talking around 3 AM ish. I didn't want to wake him up and then him not feel him, which was good, because as soon as I started trying to feel him kick more with my hand he settled down.

I've been really proud of myself keeping the kitcheen straight and the dishes washed pretty much after every meal. Which is no easy task without a dishwasher. But it it a whole lot easier then washing them all at once when every dish in the house is dirty because I haven't washed them. I'm becoming quite the domestic goddess! LOL!

I just want to get in better housekeepoing habits before Lucas is born. It will make things a whole lot easier for me! Plus people will want to come see him and I am sure right after he is born I am not going to feel like cleaning the house for company. So if I can just learn to keep it neater from day to day it will be easier. The problem is Curt... he doesn't pick up after himself! It drives me crazy! It's little things like taking his dishes to the kitcheen and picking up his dirty clothes off the bathroom floor. Oh and hanging up his stupid wet towel after a shower. Thats what we usually fight over. It drives me crazy! I know he doesn't do it on purpose. He is tired from working all day but I swear sometimes I just want to kick him!

My Mood : Content Now Playing : silence :)

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