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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Why do I always notice things late at night?

So I decide to look in the mirror at my teeth... why? I don't know. Don't ask stupid questions (hey you know how they tell you in school "no question is stupid" or "the only question that is stupid is the one that isn't asked"? Well I think that is a load of crap!!!) GROSS OUT WARNING

So while looking at my teeth I notice I have this flap of gum that is seperating from my tooth and when I push on it it bleeds... so I go researching it and what do I find but that pregnancy can cause bleeding gums and gum disease (which would be the seperating of the teeth thing). LUCKY ME! So of course I can't call and make a dentist appointment because it is sunday night and almost midnihgt... so I got a list of dentists near me. (I know this is going to be bad but I haven't been to the Dentist in about 3 years... I got married, got a tounge ring, and didn't want to be bitched at that it was bad for my teeth, mouth, whatever).

Anyway, I guess I have to suck it up and deal with it... because it can led to premature babies, and while I can't wait to meet Lucas, I don't want him to come too early! (Oh also my mom, who is a baby nurse... she works on the labor and delivery floor so I guess she is more of a mama nurse) anyway tells me she had a mom deliver what was supposed to be a girl, to have a boy. (secretly part of me maybe 5% hopes the ultrasound is wrong and I am having a girl). Is that horrible? You know I am already feeling guilty... I don't want Lucas to ever think "man mom and Dad wanted me to be a girl" I know we'll mess him up enough without giving him that to go to therapy about HA HA

Anyway today was a nice rainy Easter. We didn't leave the hosue at all. Well I guess that is a lie. Curt couldn't stand not having a cigarette so he waited for the rain to stop and soak up so that he wouldn't be wet up into the ankles (which was how much standing water we had while it was raining). He took out the trash with him (a product of not nagging! this thing is really working I am telling you. I guess it is a bit like reverse psych) anyway I kindly asked for him to get me a Snickers (which is my only real craving that I have noticed and it developed Saturday night when I saw it looking at me while I was waiting to checkout at Wal-mart)... so of course he forgets!! Ok since I am on that don't nag kick I only mentioned my lack of snickers 3 times over the 6 hour period between him forgetting the Snickers and going to bed. Man if I was a celebrity I could go on some talk show and mention how much I love Snickers and get oodles of them sent for me for free.

I am tempted to drive up now and get me one... but I feel dirty and need to take a shower and get dressed and then I will want to fix my hair or something... so it is too much trouble. Since I've gotten pregnant I have become more girly doing my hair and makeup more... Maybe it is one way I am trying to be more adult and mommy like (not that my mom wore a lot of makeup growing up... but I think I still associate it with motherhood, maybe because of Lisa. She is like my role model mother and she never goes out in public without makeup. She is beautiful and I can't tell when she is wearing makeup that she is (meaning she isn't one of the people that piles it on, it looks natural) the only way I know she wears makeup is I see her putting it on before she goes somewhere.

My Mood : random Now Playing : "gotta get up from here" by Ellie Lawson

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