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Sunday, March 27, 2005

Happy Easter

Well I had a nice Saturday! Usually it is the day Curt and I fight! However I am keeping up with the whole not nagging thing and wow we didn't fight! Imagine that. I am really married to a saint! He put up with a lot before I got pregnant and now with my raging hormones I swear he deserves a medal of honor! I mean he supported me through 3 & 1/2 years of college plus one amazing study abroad trip to Trinidad. He gave up his little red sports car because we couldn't afford for me to be a full time student and not work (which I could have and I did do babysitting and stuff like that) and pay for his little speed demon as well. He wanted me to be able to concentrate on my school work. I think the day I graduated he was more proud then I was. I think he shot up a whole roll of film before he even got into the graduation itself.

Anyway, while he was in the living room watching TV or something I started rearranging our bedroom... when he came back to see what I was doing he yelled at me not to lift of heavy stuff... and then a few minutes later, again... ooops I guess I forgot. Ok I am in my "nesting phase" according to all the pregnancy books and I can't stop cleaning... maybe that is why I've been washing the dishes like crazy. Hmmm. So on and off all day I've been cleaning and moving furniture (well pushing it, I stopped picking things up) and in between playing the Sims Bustin' Out and I am addicted.

Now I am talking to my brother online in between writing and I have my game on pause. It's cool though because I hardly ever get to talk to him. He's 9 years older then me and always busy with work or his family. We're talking about his Guy's day out with his sons and also about us growing up.

My Mood : Content Now Playing : Sims Bustin' Out for Game Cube

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