Our current work in progress

Yesterday afternoon and evening was spent working on our kitchen. I didn't take a before picture just imagine all the cabinets with no knobs and the brown color that is peeking out next to the TV trays where our dishwasher will one day be (it along with our range is supposed to be delivered July 5th), and the walls painted a pale blue gray color. Also the light fixture was changed out. It was just bulb sticking out of the ceiling since it was so close to the wall you couldn't put a cover on it. Also the window wasn't framed in before.
We still have work to do which I have pointed out on the picture. Plus we are also planning on putting up little knick knacks and a curtain that matches the ones we have in the dining room and keeping up the whole grape theme. Curt's mom has an amazing eye for decorating and she is coming back tomorrow and this weekend to help finish up. Honestly it is Curt and Andrea doing most of the work and I help out in any way they ask. They make quite a team.
Andrea also wants to help us paint the living room and rearrange it but for now we are concentrating on the kitchen since we don't want to bring home a baby in the middle of a renovation! So we will see. I am actually going to go to Rooms to Go today and just look. We'd love to replace our couch, love seat, and recliner with a new couch and chair. (The couch has boards under the cushions and the recliner doesn't like to cooperate sometimes when you want to recline). Also we plan on getting rid of our coffee table only because it takes up space and just ends up collecting junk.
Well I think I am going to take a shower and eat a healthy breakfast of chocolate cake, ice cream, and a cold glass of milk before I head off couch shopping. I promise to take some more belly shots soon (hmm that could be taken out of context.) My next appointment is tomorrow and on Thursday I will be 38 weeks!
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