Top Row: Valeri & Dan Moore, Don Moore, Carey Strickland, Dolores Moore
Bottom Row: Andrea Carr, Barbara & Ken Odermatt, Beulah Dillon, Bob & Laurie Hunter (Not Pictured Gerald and Madeline LaForge)

I'm glad the weekend is over and a new week is beginning... because now there are only 17 days until my due date! I'm still hoping the baby comes early but not this week because I really want him to be born in the month he is due and because Lori, Tony, and Matthew are all out of town this weekend.
Here is a recap of my weekend:
Friday Curt came home SICK! I know he was really sick this time so I actually took care of him. He came home with a fever and even though it was HOT outside had me turn off the AC in the bedroom and cover him with every blanket in the house because he was freezing. I went to the store and got Tylenol and Chicken Noodle Soup. His fever finally came down but I still banished him to "the sick room" and I slept on the couch because I didn't want to get sick.
Saturday he was feeling much better and I allowed him to come out in the living room and share my sick free air. We watched Miss Congeniality 2 and he ate more chicken noodle soup. He wanted to go hang out with his friends (which I didn't think was a good idea but he went anyway). He ended up coming right back home because since he was sick nobody wanted to hang out. We ordered pizza and watched Coach Carter. After that we stayed up pretty late and I played Sims Busting Out on Gamecube and I think he played a game on the computer.
Sunday his mom was originally supposed to come over and help us finish up the kitchen but we all decided to go to his Grandparents for dinner instead. On the way there Curt and I started saying really mean things to each other (that weren't true) and we laughed all the way there. It was so funny but I guess you had to be there. We had fun at dinner, came home and we watched Law and Order and I actually went to bed at 10:00!! (Which might explain why I woke up at 5:00AM and couldn't go back to sleep).
Since I couldn't sleep I started browsing the web and looking at baby articles. I was looking at baby name stuff (only because in the back of my mind I am thinking "Crap! what if we do end up having a girl? What would we name her?") and I came across this Grandparent naming page. Now there is something I never thought of! I wonder what Lucas is going to call his grandparents? I just hope he never overhears some of the nicknames we use! Of course I am only kidding! ;-)
Here are the suggestions from the webpage:
Grammie (Grammy)
GranGrandma (Gramma)
Nana (nanna)
Nannie (Nanny)
Nonni, Nonna
Grandpa (Grandpaw)
Paw-Paw (Papa, Poppa)
please, have them say grandmother and grandfather ot grandma and grandpa. i hate all this nanni poo poo crap. there is no paw, there is no weird nommie nommie. they're your grandparents for god's sake!
LOL, Lucas has alot of grandparents, I'm sure one of them will end up being Graham Cracker or something.
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