Curt sharing nuts with Jadie.. Yes I know it doesn't sound right but our dog LOVES peanuts.

Curt's first Father's Day started out with him coming home around midnight and seeing his table top grill that I got him from sears this weekend. He was really impressed that his son even though he isn't born yet can go shopping and sign his Father's Day card.
We headed to bed and while Curt was drifting off to sleep I started to realize "OH MY GOSH! I WILL BE FULL TERM ON THURSDAY AND THE BABY COULD BE HERE ANYTIME AND THERE IS STILL SO MUCH TO DO!" So I got up and started cleaning stuff up and putting things in one of our new kitchen closets. I even started to scrub the kitchen floor before I decided to head to bed at 3AM this morning.
Curt and I both got up around 11 today and made breakfast together. He made some soft of scrambled egg concoction and I made cheese grits. We settled down on the couch to eat breakfast and watch The Secretary. As the movie started I was digging into my cheese grits (that had little pieces of ham cut up for flavor) and I started to think about how I wasn't in the mood for ham in my Grits... Well the next thing I know I am gagging and running for the closest sink spewing grits and water (what I was drinking) along the way. After asking several times if I was ok Curt gave his breakfast to our Cat that lives outside and paused the movie while I threw my pjs in the washer and went to take a shower.
When I got out we put the movie back on and I fell asleep. When I finally woke up a few hours later I took another shower because my hair still smelled like smoke from going over to Curt's parent's house the night before. (I think after 3 shampoos I finally got it out!) Then we headed into town to grab something to eat (since we really didn't have anything here) and stop by my parents house to tell my Dad Happy Father's Day. (Sorry Dad if my card smelled like puke, it may have been in my path, I'm not sure).
When we got home I watched the rest of the movie I missed because I was sleeping. It was definitely different! I thought it would be a comedy but it was more of a VERY kinky love story. I don't know if I could recommend it to anyone without blushing. We finished off the night watching Law and Order while Curt and Jadie shared trail mix.
I think Jadie knows something is about to happen seeing as how she peed on Curt's side of the bed tonight. (She did it last Saturday as well) Tomorrow I am going to take back the childgate we got from Target because its too big for our bedroom and get one that will fit. I also need to go grocery shopping and get a ton more things done!
Oh and Katie and I didn't get to hang out that much we just ended up going to dinner which was nice but I was exhausted and she had to spend time with her family and get some sleep to drive back to Miami today. It was nice to see her though. She sent Curt a Father's Day text message and it made his day. Oh and Brandi's Hallmark e-card featuring a penis getting crowned "Ruler for the day" made my day as well!
1 comment:
seriously though, a penis on a hallmark card? what is the world coming to?
and i'm sorry you puked.
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