39 weeks and 5 Days Pregnant

Today we went back to the Chiropractor. Curt is starting to walk straighter and walk less like a crippled old man. (Hope I didn't offend any crippled old men out there!) His boss still hasn't gotten back to him with the Workmen's Comp info yet... go figure. I'm sure Curt will call him again tomorrow. He still hasn't smoked a single cigarette yet but I think he tried to bribe Jadie into helping in look for anyone's that he might have in a forgotten pocket or hidden under the bed. Jadie just looked at him and licked his hand. Plus I've checked all his pockets already when I sorted the laundry and I don't remember any, and if there were they are long gone in the trash.
Tomorrow is my final childbirth class. I wonder if anyone has had their baby yet. I wonder when I am going to have the baby. As of right now I am fine with going into labor (that is until I have any more false labor or it actually starts, then I am sure I will change my mind again). I can't call anyone now without them thinking that I am going into labor. Can't they tell by the calm in my voice? I'm sure I will be FREAKING out when I do call.
Bambi and her boyfriend Lewis stopped by today. She brought some really cute baby gifts and the cutest picture frame. They hadn't been out here in a while and I think they got kind of lost because they kept asking "are you sure you didn't move?" I think it is the freakishly huge mimosa bush in our front yard.
We finally got the grass cut today. It hasn't been cut since last summer. They should have never opened up that neighborhood pool and basketball courts... last summer we used to get a kid asking to cut our grass every other day (no matter if it needed it or not). Now they are all busy swimming and playing. Finally we had a couple of men ask us today if they could cut our grass, weed eat, and edge. They did a better job then any of the kids last year AND THEY ARE CHEAPER!
I don't know why we have a stupid weed eater! It just takes up space, we used it one time last year and since then we just store it. Does anyone out there need or want a used once weed eater?
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