The couch is still being taken over by Curt and Jadie the Wonder Dog.

It was back to the chiropractor for Curt today. Everyday he seems to feel a little better. He still is missing work. The good news though is his boss is supposed to file workmen's Comp... but we'll see. If it works out we will be reimbursed for what we have paid so far and his other medical expenses will be covered.
We don't know yet if he will take some of his vacation now or what... if he stays home all this week and then the baby comes next week I think I might scream! I am used to having some alone time! So far we've got along perfectly, and the strangest thing is Curt hasn't smoked a single cigarette since Saturday night!
Normally he is a pack a day smoker. He keeps a carton in his car because he doesn't smoke in the house, so he keeps them in the car so he has them for when he isn't home or whenever he smokes. Normally if he goes without a cigarette he is VERY crabby. I guess with the back pain he doesn't think about smoking. (That and his car is still at his Grandparents' house and he knows I won't go to the store and buy him cigarettes). So I guess there really are blessings in disguise.
Who knows maybe he will end up quitting. I'm not saying anything to him though because I don't want to pressure him and I know he will only quit when he is ready. He has tried several times before but it is really hard since 95% of his family smokes.
Everyone keeps asking "are you ready?" Well, last night I think I got my answer...
Before I went to bed I took a shower and as I was getting out my stomach started to feel really strange. I just kept praying "Please God not know" and saying "Lucas Mommy isn't quite ready to meet you right now." Turns out I just had to poop.
Maybe I'll be ready after Wednesday. I have my next appointment then and they will check me to see if I am at all dilated. Also the electrician is supposed to come and hook up our Range in the kitchen and our larger AC unit in the living room. (Both have to have a 220 line ran for them to work). Our window AC unit that is in the living room will be moved to Lucas' room.
Today I also talked to Ashlee again today. She had her weekly appointment today and while she was there someone was in labor and she called to see if it was me (nope). Tomorrow my friend Bambi is coming over to drop off some baby goodies. I am excited because I haven't seen her in months, maybe even in almost a year.
Still waiting to meet the little guy.
That same thing happened to me a few days before Ean was born. I think I had eaten bad seafood though. Your post made me smile.
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