Colby, the only "baby" I've seen so far this week.

I figured I have to keep posting something so people don't think something is happening when really there is still no news. We tried the whole not answering the phone thing but then people think we are having or have had the baby and that just makes them call more.
One of the women from my childbirth classes had her baby yesterday morning. She wasn't due until the 24th. She beat me and the person due the 9th who as of yesterday was still waiting! NO FAIR! Even less fair, her baby was 5 lbs. The longer Lucas stays in there the bigger he is going to get.
Last night I went shopping with my mom and Grandma and finally got a swing. (Ashlee will be very glad to know that since she was so worried that the baby would come and I wouldn't have one).
Both Lisa and I thought I would go into labor last night, but it didn't happen. It doesn't feel real that I will eventually give birth. I think I am just going to be pregnant forever, and I think I am fine with that.
This morning I spent designing Lucas' baby announcements. Curt asked what I was doing and when I told him he said "You know he isn't here yet, right?!"
I knew there was a reason I was keeping him around.
That and for the cute pictures of him giving birth to Jadie. Fitz saw it and screamed, what's happening to him?!?!?!
Okay so we were wrong. LOL.
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