Happy Happy Joy Joy

Sunday afternoon we got our new AC unit installed! I love electrical appliances. I don't know how I lived here without a Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher, Range, or a Big Honking AC unit. Life is just so much easier (and our electric bill is a little higher, but what a small price to pay). I find myself using more dishes then normal when I cook just so I can have a full load of dishes to wash sooner.
Still no baby. People now feel like I need their advice on how to bring on labor. Which is all stuff that I had heard before. They didn't sound so bad when I wasn't so pregnant. Somehow Sex, Spicy Foods, and Nipple tweaking just don't sound so appealing, especially the first one. An example of this is a conversation that I had with Curt a few days ago when we were headed to our car after eating lunch.
Me: "I feel like a whale"
Him: "No honey you look beautiful" (Sweet right? well just wait)
Me "No, I'm not talking about how I look, I literally feel like a beached whale. Have you seen me try to roll over in bed?"
Him: (As We were walking between two parked cars to get to ours) "Are you sure you can fit through there?"
Curt goes back to work today! I hope he takes it easy on his back.
I can't decide if I want to go see a movie or just lay on MY couch all day long.
I'm leaning towards the couch, at least I won't miss anything there when I get up to go pee every five minutes.
Enjoy the couch since you haven't got to use it much. Or as much. Then have Jadie post a picture.
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