Still the only baby in the house

So today with the possibility of having to drink Castro oil tomorrow morning if I'm not in labor by 8:00 AM I am desperate to try anything to encourage Lucas to grace us with his presence. Maybe if I explain the joys of castor oil you will understand.
At 8:00 AM Saturday morning I am supposed to gulp down 2 ounces of castor oil mixed with with root beer, or juice. I am not supposed to taste it. (Which believe me I won't be intentionally trying... I have the worse gag reflex... as many of my family can attest to like on New Years Eve when they were sharing their poop stories and I ran to the bathroom and puked all over myself!) Oh and it gets better. Then I am supposed to ask Curt or give myself an enema. Then take a long hot shower and and then eat and drink like normal. Then a few hours later take another castor oil cocktail and by that time the REAL FUN begins.
Castor oil works by giving you cramps and diarrhea. The spasms it creates in your bowels are suppose to cause uterine contractions but it doesn't always work. If it doesn't work Saturday then I have an appointment first thing Monday morning where I will be checked again and given the option if I want to repeat the castor oil thing. HA! Boy am I going to have great "DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WENT THROUGH TO HAVE YOU," guilt trip stories saved up.
Well I am going to take a shower and head to the mall and walk like crazy. I think today and tonight I am going to try every known way that people claim can induce labor in an effort to avoid the Castor oil.
I must admit I am a little on the frustrated side. Last night (well really early this morning) I was talking to Lisa and I started to feel contractions. I decided to try and get some sleep just in case I was in labor. At first I couldn't get to sleep and I was starting to be in pain. I was to the point of waking Curt up when I must have feel asleep. I woke up this morning and nothing.
Well I am off to the mall to walk my little heart out and I just called Curt and told him that we are going out for Mexican tonight and it is time for him to actively participate in inducing labor.
You poor thing, I will be thinking about you. Just think in ten weeks you can be hearing my frustration and think "man I am glad that is over"
I will look for Castor Oil at walmart today.
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