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Monday, July 25, 2005

41 weeks and 4 Days He turned!

Could this be my last pregnant self-portrait? Posted by Picasa

So I just got back from my appointment and I'm about to go back to the birth center. Just a quick update, so if this doesn't make sense... sorry! First off, he turned! All the rocking I put my pelvis through worked!! However, I am still not in labor and if I'm not in labor by the day before I am 42 weeks (Wen) then I have to be admitted to the hospital so now we are stepping up our efforts to naturally induce.

I just took the first dose of my second round of Castor Oil and it was hard to get it down!! I'm about to return to the birth center to take the second dose and see if things progress. If they don't then under a midwife's supervision I will be given herbs to try to induce and then they will break my water. (Which would have to be done if I was admitted to the hospital anyway). We are still trying to have the baby at the birth center because of the relaxed laid back environment.

So no matter what we should meet Lucas by Thursday. This is one stubborn kid! Well I am off to make sure I have everything. Curt just got home from work and is officially on his vacation so now are efforts are on meeting our son.


Anonymous said...

Can't wait till we meet him, don't worry about his sister Jadie. LOL! We won't kick her or anything.

Liz said...