Everything is ready. All the blankets, sheets, towels, and toys are sorted into their little buckets just waiting to be used.

Right now I should be at a family dinner with Curt and his mom's side of the family but I opted to stay home. I love them all dearly but I thought that it would be best for me to stay home and keep rocking my pelvis, sitting on my birth ball, and trying to talk this little guy into coming out. He didn't want to leave me home by myself but it is good for him to get out. Especially since he stayed home last night with me "just in case" (instead of going over to his Grandfather's like he does every Saturday), besides he is just a phone call away.
I really wasn't in a rush for Lucas to come... until I was told that Monday is nothing happened I had to chug down castor oil and try again. I'm gagging just thinking about it. Tomorrow I have an appointment at 9AM and I'll be checked to see if I have dilated anymore and I'll be hooked up to the little machine to see if I am having any contractions and monitor the baby's heart beat. Then more then likely come home and down a castor oil cocktail. I don't know if I will try and talk Curt into going ahead and at least taking one of his vacation days to go with me. (Not that I'd have to try real hard to talk him into it).
Right now I am just trying to relax and take breaks sitting on the "birth" ball. I've been doing little things around the house like vacuuming and doing a load of laundry, and keeping the dirty dishes off of the counter and in the dishwasher so it can just be turned on when we leave just so there are less things to worry about. Most importantly I turned on iTunes and I'm playing Dixie Chicks music. It is so funny but it is the only music Lucas has responded to and he is actually moving around a little now. His favorite Cd seems to be Home and his favorite song is Godspeed (Sweet Dreams) <Listen> which I guess is appropriate because it is a lullaby song for a little boy.
1 comment:
Tell Lucas we say Godspeed too. I can't wait for him to make his journey.
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