Saturday morning with texture on the walls/ Now walls are painted

Our latest project has been working on the living room and we have gotten a lot done this weekend (and will do more later on today). We have all the walls painted, now all we have to do is minor touch ups and paint the base boards and trim. We are also going to paint the mirror white and tomorrow frame in the windows.
Today we went to breakfast with Curt's Dad Bob and step-mom Laurie and then when back to their house for a while. Curt's two step-brothers David and Michael were there and they all were telling funny stories from their childhoods. It was funny to hear three different versions of their stories (sometimes four when Laurie was in the room). After that we headed back to our house and picked up Jadie and our swimsuits to go over to my parents' house.
We had a late lunch at my parents and everyone went swimming. My sister's husband Tony is back from Iraq for R&R for two weeks and his mom and brother are here for a couple of days from California. Ted and Lisa were there with the kids and so was my Grandma Strickland. We had a lot of fun but honestly now that I think about it we really didn't talk that much to Lori or Tony for that matter.
While we were out today Curt's mom Andrea came over and was hard at work at our place. I felt a little guilty that we were out having fun and she was doing stuff at our house for us. She cleaned steam cleaned the living room carpet, hung some of our decorations in the kitchen and moved some of our remaining furniture around. She also frosted the two small windows in the living-room (although you can't tell from the picture).
When we got home we visited with her for a while and she went home, Curt watched TV, and I went to sleep about 7:30 or 8:00. I would still be sleeping but Jadie started barking at people shooting off fireworks and now I am awake.
Like I said earlier more work tomorrow. Hopefully we get everything done. I think this was our last weekend to work. Next weekend we have a family reunion to go to. I'm not totally sure if we are going or not because of the whole baby thing but I am looking forward to it.
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