Lucas sleeping in his swing

Dear Lucas,
Mommy wanted to write you on your one week birthday to tell you about your first week out in the world but I was having a mini break down. It is amazing what lack of sleep and forgetting to eat can do to you. I can't believe that a week has passed already. I am so glad to have you home!
This week we have both really grown. We started off both crying when you are hungry but now I am able to nurse you and it makes things so much easier on both of us. I hated hearing you cry because you were hungry while I was pumping and your Daddy was holding you trying to calm you. Your Dad is amazing. He loves you so much. Every time he holds you he introduces himself, "Hi, I'm Your Dad." He drove Nick (the guy he works with) crazy by talking about you so much.
You are starting to get over your cold and while I'm glad that you are getting healthy I am going to miss the little snorts you make sometimes because of your stuffy nose. Lucky for us though your aunt Lisa captured it on video so we can always remember what you sounded like. You love to just sit there with your eyes open and look around. Of course you also love waking up every 3 hours to feed and as soon as I wake up and latch you on to nurse you fall back to sleep. I have to rub your little head, or pinch your little tushie to keep you awake. Hey, if I'm not sleeping neither are you! Of course when I can no longer wake you up and think you are sound asleep I lay you down and there are those eyes bright and open and looking around. We're still working out the kinks of the whole nursing thing but you've been strictly nursing for over 24 hours now.
Jadie doesn't know what to think. She just wants to snuggle under your blankets with you and lick you head and toes. She doesn't seem to care that there isn't room for both of you under your blankets. I think you take after your mommy and Grandpa and hate to having the bottoms of your feet being touched. The one time Jadie snuck a taste of your little toes you were VERY upset. She is used to being the only baby around here.
Well you are starting to wake up and I know you will be hungry again.
1 comment:
Okay so I said, call us anytime, but the phone was home without me and Matthew didn't remember you had called. He SAYS he was in the bath. HMMM I wonder. Anyways I love Lucas's 1 week letter.
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