Time sure has flown! A month used to seem like such a short time to me, but both of us have changed so much this past four weeks! You are no longer all curled up like you were when you were first born. Now whenever you can you are kicking your legs and flinging your arms. You are holding your little hands close to your mouth like a little squirrel less and less and now you can actually breathe! You prefer sucking on your own arm during your "tummy time" than any pacifier. You give yourself little hickeys but you don't care.

You are also taking more notice of the world around you. THANK GOD for your crib and mobile. During the day I can actually set you down in there with your mobile turned on and I can go pee without you crying. (I know because I have your baby monitor on with the receiver in the bathroom). You are so content to watch it spin around and listen to the music. I just wish it wasn't a wind up. If it was battery powered and came with a remote I think we would both be in heaven (and yes I was just looking at some at Target.com) For now though I'll just keep running back and forth recranking it. I need the exercise anyway.

When you get bored of your mobile you will stare at your crib bumper and reach out and touch it. My favorite game to play with you is still stick my tongue out and watch you mimic me! Also I love your bath time, which you also enjoy as long as we aren't flashing pictures of you at the same time. I can't wait until you can sit up on and hold your head up on your own. It is really hard to hold you to make sure your head isn't flopping around and wash your hair at the same time.

Also this week I finally bought batteries for your bouncer. You love to just sit there and look at me (like now while I am typing this). You have also started to "talk" in your little baby language. I know you are well on your way to saying "mama" and sometimes I swear that is what is sounds like. Also your bouncer is your very favorite place to kick your legs.
Last night I tried giving you a bottle of breast milk that I had pumped to see if you would still take one and make sure it wouldn't cause any problems with you nursing. No nipple confusion with my baby! I think I will start making a bottle that your Dad can feed you at night so that I can get some things done and I think he misses feeding you. Last night he tried to give you a taste of batter (from the brownies he was baking) on his finger and I stopped him, sorry.
Your Dad loves you a lot and he is so worried about you all the time. For instance if you were to roll off the couch while I was home and he was at work he would probably be on the phone with the Department of Family and Child Services the second he found out. Lucky for both of us you have made it through this 4 weeks healthy and happy.
I love your little tributes!
Nice pictures and boy he gets cuter everyday.
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