So I ask "When do I call back?"
"I don't know, later"
"Do you have an estimate as to when I should call back"
"Ok thank you, I guess I will try back later"
Well I decide to open the hood and look at the inside workings of the car. (It wasn't too long ago that my brother put in a brand spanking new battery so it shouldn't be dead because I did a quick check of the lights and everything had been off). The battery has dried crust on it so I use a key and scratch it off and jiggle the connection. I try the car again and it starts... It is now 8:12 so I decide to drive there quickly (but safely), after all I am not the speed demon of the family.
So when I get there exactly 15 minutes late I realize they have no way of knowing really how late you are because you sign this sign in sheet and they call you in order. I sign in and wait... and wait... When I am finally called back there I am told that Lucas is not in the system. I am still showing up as being "prenatal" even though I am holding the WIC book they gave me in the hospital with Lucas' name on it, today's date and the appointment time. I am told I have to come back on Tuesday to verify that I am no longer pregnant and now have a baby. (UM you can't look in the car seat sitting next to me?)
When I get out to the car of course it won't start again! So there I am popping the hood again and jiggling the battery cable. During all this people are just walking by looking and thinking to themselves "oh look there is a lady with a baby who is having car trouble, lets just stare as we walk by"
I finally got the car to start again and headed for Ted and Lisa's thinking that I just needed a wrench to tighten the cable. Mechanic Lisa tried everything but to no avail... I needed a new battery cable connector thing. So I called my Dad and asked if he could come rescue me yet again when he got off work. (Of course he said yes). So Lucas and I hung out at Lisa's all day long.
I love watching Colby and Shane look at Lucas. Colby is so sweet to him and Shane asks everyday if he can do any "big kid" activities yet. When Lucas dropped his pacifier Colby said "Uhh OH!" and quickly brought it to me. Of course Lucas slept most of the day while we were at Lisa's... which means that it will be a fun night. Tomorrow we have another 8:30 appointment. This time it is his 1 month check up at his pediatrician. I'm excited to find out how much he has grown in the last two weeks.

He does look so cute in his carseat stretching.
too bad you had a rough start, but it sounds like the day turned out ok.
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