You have become the center of my universe. My whole world now revolves around you. Before you were born if I had to be out and about shopping, going to lunch with friends, or visiting family. Now nothing makes me happier than snuggling you close to me and playing with your feet or kissing your head. I've caught myself just watching you sleep.

I love giving you a bath. You just love the water and spend the time kicking your little feet while I try to get you to open your hands so I can clean out the gunk you seem to collect there. It's like baby finger jam.

Now that you are sleeping longer I actually have to wake you up to feed you. I guess that is why you had stopped gaining weight. Of course 90% of the time when I try to wake you up no matter what I do you keep your little eyes tightly closed and just go on with your little baby dreams. Tuesday your Aunt Lisa and your cousins were helping me to try to wake you up but you were not cooperating. Guess you get your stubbornness from your mom.

You are so alert now and I love the times that you are smiling and squealing for happiness! I am still amazed by how fast you are growing. I still cannot believe that it has been 5 weeks! How can you already have reached the one month milestone?
I still haven't sent out your baby announcements. I keep forgetting to get stamps. I also haven't written a single thing in your baby book. I think I might return it and just make you one out of all my letters to you. Don't worry I still have saved everything and take pictures everyday. I think it might be cool for you to have when you have your own children (of course you will be married before that) and you can read them and see what you were doing at one week and see if your son or daughter is the same way.
It is strange to think about you grown up. Almost everyday though I look down at you and wonder what you will be like at 1 year old, as a teenager, and as a grown man. Of course that means I'll have to get older too... and I might even be a grandma one day. For now though I am content to change your diapers and rock you to sleep.
Now if only I could get you to poop again. (You haven't pooped since last Thursday). At your appointment yesterday they said that some breastfed babies sometimes don't poop for days. You don't seem to be constipated so I guess the poop will come when it is ready.
As you grow I have noticed I am chaning also. I am reaching my own mommy milestones. I have picked up a pacifier and put it in my own mouth to clean it off. I have also used my magic mommy spit powers to clean something off your face. Now I am talking about baby poop so I know I am well on my way to earning my "World's best mom" t-shirt one of these Mother's Days.
Oh and on top of that I am 1/2 pound thinner than I was before I got pregnant. (Strange thing though my weight distribtion has changed because my pants still are a little tight)
1 comment:
You've always had Magic Aunt powers so I knew you could have mom ones real quick. You are a great mom. I am glad to have you as a friend.
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