Lucas has a lot of cool aunts and two of them are Lindsay and Lisa.

His Great-Aunt Lindsay from California read my post the other day about how I wish I could get him a battery operated mobile with a remote and how I was looking at them at Target. Well, as a surprise she sent us one! It was actually the one I wanted the most! It is the coolest thing! The nicest part was that she just knew the perfect thing to send because she takes the time to keep up with what is going on. I haven't known Lindsay very long (she's married to my uncle Jimmy who I just adore) but I love the fact that we can keep up with each other with our blogs. When I was pregnant she would always take the time to message me and ask me about my pregnancy. Now that Lucas is here she is a GREAT source of advice and encouragement. I know when we get ready to try and put Lucas to bed in his own room I can ask Lindsay a ton of questions.

Then there is his Aunt Lisa and I don't even know where to start. Lisa is like the big sister I always wanted. When I am upset over something I always know that she will listen. She threw me my baby shower (which explains the Tonka truck that I forced Lucas to sit in... I'm sure he'll like playing with it more when he is older). She is also a GREAT source of advice and encouragement. Also at her house I am free to be a breast feeding hippie and can hang out and talk to her while I nurse Lucas. She also feeds me which is a plus! I've known Lisa for over half of my life. She used to baby sit me and Lori years ago before she married my brother Ted. I used to be a bratty little kid that drove her crazy (I KNOW HARD TO BELIEVE) but over the years she has become one of my best friends. She's done so many thoughtful things that I can't even begin to try and list them.
Lucas and I are really lucky to have both of you in our lives.
OH thank you so much. I am glad you and Lucas like the mobile. I knew I would be able to send you something you needed after he was born since we hadn't sent you anything before.
Okay so this post made my tears start rolling again today. Only tears from how I am blessed to have you in my life. Sorry I yelled at you when you were a little kid. LOL. Who knew we would be so close now.
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