Now I know why my Dad always called us frogs growing up

Today Lucas and I went grocery shopping. I planned to just run up to our Local Food Lion but as we were about to head out the door I realized Curt had my keys with the MVP card on it and I didn't want to deal with the hassle of asking someone at the checkout line to borrow theirs so we went to Super wal-mart because I just couldn't stand to pay full price either. (When we were in the hospital Curt gave our house key to his mom and on the keyring it also has all his little savings keychains on it. We haven't seen her to get them back yet. So we only have one house key which is on his key ring so whenever we both go somewhere we have to figure out who will be home first and that person takes the house key).
While we were at Walmart I went down one aisle which was a little crowded and their were people on both sides blocking it because they were looking for something. This elderly lady who was behind them let me get by and while I was patiently waiting for the other people to find what they were looking for so I could pick out an air freshener fragrance I liked the lady told me to say "excuse me" so the other people would get out of my way. I just smiled at her and said I was fine. So she yelled "HEY!!! EXCUSE ME!!!" Really loud and the other people looked at her and she yelled at them "YOU ARE BLOCKING THE AISLE SHE CAN'T GET BY" I was so embarrassed. The people locked really annoyed, but I think it was more at the lady then at me. As they moved I quickly grabbed a can of something and left.
Another "fun" thing that happened is I realized I have a plugged milk duct on one of my nipples. It looks like a tiny white pimple. I just noticed it so I looked it up online and saw that the suggested cure was hot showers, pain medication, and frequent nursing. So hopefully they work and it clears up.
Well I am taking my Frog baby and we are off to bed.
*Oh yeah and I forgot to mention that Curt's Jerk boss gave him a raise after Curt told him about the other job offer. His raise was even on his pay check this week. We are still waiting to see what will happen with the workmen's comp though.
I just want you to know we are not the kind of people to say how cute new borns are (because typically their not that cute) but everytime you post a pic. of Lucas Jim and I both marvel on how good looking/ cute he is. You guys did a great job!
Great news on the raise.
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