How could you be annoyed by this little angel?

Today Lucas and I ventured to target to find him a few tank top onsies since it is so hot here! Lucky for us we found the last pack and they were his size AND on clearance! It was our first time using the stroller and the first time out shopping that wasn't for groceries. We had a few people stop us to say how cute he was and ask how old he was. (Makes me feel better about his poor little infant acne face). I know that is shallow, but OH WELL!
We were in there about 30 minutes I was just browsing and enjoying being back out in the world. I LOVE SHOPPING and Lucas started to get a little fussy and I know he wanted to eat. He must be going through a growth spurt because he really didn't sleep that much today just would take SHORT naps and wake up wanting to eat more. He didn't even want to suck on his pacifier, so we headed to the check out and he was crying by this time. As we stood in line I got the worst "OH MY GOSH SHUT YOUR KID UP!! HOW COULD YOU TAKE A CRYING BABY OUT IN PUBLIC? YOU ARE RUINING OUR CHILD FREE EXISTENCE" look from this couple in the next line. At this point I stopped trying to calm him down and just let him exercise his little lungs. We checked out and headed for my parents house so I could nurse him.
Shane and Matthew were there visiting and we all had chili dogs together. Lucas was a little fussy and Lori held him so I could eat. He was still upset and Lori wasn't sure exactly what to do so my Dad took him and he instantly was quiet. I think my Dad is some kind of "Baby Whisperer." He's really good with little babies (as long as he doesn't have to deal with diapers).
Lucas made a baby sound and Shane excitedly asked "Is that his first word?" I told him it must be because he said it all the time but I wasn't sure yet what it meant (more then likely it is "FEED ME NOW WOMAN!") Shane was thrilled that Grandma let him play bubbles in the house and wanted to take them with him because the bubbles at his house weren't inside bubbles like the magic ones at Grandma's house.
I took the boys home and Shane was very excited that he got to be the one that sat by Lucas. I got to see first hand the progress in the Moore Garage and they sure have gotten a lot done!
You couldn't
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