Lucas in his new toy

Today was Lucas' one month appointment which was supposed to be at 8:30 but when we got there I was told "sorry nobody told you it was changed to 9:00?" That was fine since I was about 5 minutes late anyway. I thought good I can feed him a little and try and whole breastfeeding in public thing (which Curt would freak out about probably) just as I got both of us situated and he latched on they called me to go wait in the exam room. It figures...
According to his measurements from his last appointment (2 weeks ago) he is shrinking. Today he weighed 10 lbs and was 21 & 1/2 inches long compared to 10 lbs 6 oz and 22 inches long. Hmmm... Nobody is sure what is going on. Believe me this little guy eats... All the time... and I know that I am producing enough milk because the couple times I have pumped and given him a bottle I get a little more than an ounce of breast milk out of each breast. We have to go back Tuesday to check his weight. (Do Babies really gain weight in 4 days?) I'm not too worried so far because he has PLENTY of wet diapers and his Dr says he looks healthy and doesn't act like anything is wrong with him. He also suggested that I put breast milk on Lucas' infant acne 2-3 times a day and it will clear it up. I will start trying it tomorrow.
When we finally got finished we stopped by Goody's. I was hoping my friend Brandy was there (we played Volleyball in high school together) so I could show Lucas off. I went in there at least once a month while I was pregnant to catch up with her and look for clearance stuff to sell on eBay but she wasn't there. I did use one of the dressing rooms to feed him in though.
After that we hit Target on our way home so I could pick up some Medela bottles they are pricey but so worth it! They fit on any of the Medela breast pumps and you they come with special tops so you can freeze them in the bottles. They also come with nipples so you can feed what you pumped straight to the baby without switching from the container to the bottle. The nipples are awesome... they sort of look like a breast nipple.... we used them tonight when we went to Curt's Dad's house and they worked perfect. I can't wait to get my manual pump that I ordered. It has amazing ratings and I am turning in the one I rented from the hospital on Monday. The manual pump will be easier because I don't have to be stuck in one place and plugged into the outlet.
While we were there I also bought a few clothes on clearance for Lucas and picked up a rocker/bouncer. I almost felt guilty buying it because Lisa let me use her bouncer seat for free and here I was buying another one. This thing is awesome though because it is so much more then a normal bouncer and it can also be used for a long time (it turns into a toddler rocking chair). Lucas is as in love with it as I am. He actually went to sleep in it for quite a while. While he was awake he was having a conversation with the musical cow. He was just squeaking and smiling (which of course I didn't catch a picture of).
Oh how my life has changed in a year... a year ago I was concentrated on my photography class and could think of nothing but Graduation. A few months ago all I could think about was being pregnant and wondering about my baby. Looking over my posts I see that now it seems every aspect of my life has something to do with my breasts.
Don't feel guilty about the seat. It has the cool toys and all of the features the other one doesn't have.
It is always nice to have used things to USE but it is great when you can have something NEW that only your baby has used, man how time changes things!
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