Colby and Lisa gently patting Lucas on his back.

Last night I went with Ted and Lisa to hang out with some of their friends. At first I didn't think I wanted to go. I was scared I would be uncomfortable or might start crying thanks to my new mom hormones. It was actually my sister Lori who talked me into going and I ended up being glad I did!
Everyone was so nice and they all had kids and went dealt with the whole breast feeding thing. It was just so great to get support from people I don't really know all that well. One of the things that really helped was hearing from Lisa's friend Wendy that the first month is basically hell and you end up blocking out how hard it is and only remember the good. All their friends are really nice and it was so great to get out of the house and be around adults!
Ever since I came home last night I've been in such a great mood. (Well that and the fact that Lucas has been nursing better and he actually slept for 6 hours straight last night!!!) I couldn't believe that when I heard him crying and opened my eyes that the sun was shining!
I am starting to think I can handle this whole mom thing. I just have to take it one day at a time. I am so lucky to have great support coming from all over.

Of course you can handle it. You're wonderful.
Every day it will get easier, you are doing great!
Hey! I'm glad you had fun and got to hang out with other moms and stuff. It's good to know you've got people who went through the same hard stuff you're going through.
Hi, Kari.
We were so glad you came & had fun (and that you think I'm a GrownUp, hee hee). It made me happy to see you there. come again.
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