Today started out wonderful... you woke up as usual crying but as soon as I popped up and you saw me you were nothing but smiles.

You have really discovered your hands. Who needs a pacifier when you have your wonderful little squirel hands to gum and suck on. Sorry to tell you though I do not think that you can fit both of them in your mouth at once. Your skin has really cleared up. The only time it looks really red and blotchy is after you have been crying.

We spent the day napping together off and on. As I nursed you I kept thinking "wow things do get easier, I'm glad I hung in there!" Boy do I need to start learning to knock on wood. As soon as your Dad got home you just kept crying and were inconsolable. You wouldn't nurse. I kept patting your back and once in a while you would let out an adult size burp.

While you were screaming I noticed that the top of your mouthwas white so I thought it might be thrush. I started looking it up and read in one of the books I have that it takes 4-5 hours for the food I eat to get to you and it could make you have gas. Well, I had beans for lunch and I noticed both of us where more "musical" then normal. So all night your Dad and I took turns passing you back and forth and burping you. You still won't nurse so I am pumping and giving you a bottle. Maybe the position you are in to nurse upsets your little tummy.
I had to make your Dad go to bed because he has to work tomorrow. He asked me a million times if I wanted him to stay up with us. I think he could tell I was getting a little frazzled... (I guess since you don't feel good you haven't really slept much since 3 this afternoon except for little 30 minute naps here and there and only when we are holding you) He loves us both so much!

Hopefully you really just have gas and this too shall pass. (sorry I couldn't resist).
I love your weekly tributes, it is really cool to see how the two of you are progressing.
Happy 6 weeks
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