So I am starting to have flashbacks of the very challenging first week of Lucas' life. It turns out he didn't just have gas. He does indeed have thrush, but I am getting ahead of myself.
Last night after Curt went to bed Lucas finally slept longer than 30 minutes at a time because I was pumping and he had food in his little belly. I however got some sleep but very little because I was pumping to feed my little squirrel baby. Before I went to my appointment he was pretty much gas free and had pooped twice. Once before I could even get a diaper on him and he "painted" the changing table. I'm so glad I decided to always keep a washable pad on it!
I tried to nurse him again and he was just howling, and then I gave him my finger to suck on and he took it weakly and made the most heartbreaking whimpering. So his mouth was obviously bothering him! I was so scared that I would be back to square one with the nursing giving him all these bottles of breast milk that I tearfully called my beloved mom, the nursing Nazi because I needed her reassurance... which she gave me. (This was a repeat of the when I called her at midnight last night as well).
I called the birth center to see if there was anyway that I could push up my 1:00 PM appointment so they could suggest something for me to do but they were already over-booked. I didn't think twice about taking him there first instead of his Doctor because they have always said to call them with any problems, especially if it has to do with breastfeeding.
Well everything went fine with me. I am actually now 2&1/2 lbs lighter then before I was pregnant. I no longer need to take my iron because my hemoglobin is back to normal (good because I hadn't taken it in weeks, only because it couldn't be taken with anything with Calcium and if you know my sister and me that just isn't possible!) Also my stitches healed great and I got the green light to start back any activities that I haven't done in the last 6 weeks (shhh don't tell Curt). I also got my pap smear and a prescription for birth control.
Then it was time for Lucas to get checked out. I was told that he didn't have thrush, that it was just milk that was on the top of his mouth. The reason for him not nursing was because I was giving him too many bottles and pacifiers (he has had 1 bottle in the last 2 weeks!!) and she just wouldn't listen to me. I don't understand how a kid nursing fine for the last 5 weeks would go... hmmm I had this bottle 2 weeks ago so I'm going to stop nursing now and fake my mom out. I was very upset and fought tears back while I nodded and was told that I shouldn't have feed Lucas last night, to pump to keep my milk up, but don't give it to him, that he would nurse when he got hungry enough. (To be fair this wasn't the person I normally saw, and mostly she deals with pregnant women and babies right after they were born) My motherly intuition was going off like crazy and I went right to my Mom's house.
The minute my mom saw his mouth she could tell it was thrush so I made an appointment for Lucas with his Doctor tomorrow. I hope he gives him something for the pain because I am so sick of this pumping!!! I don't mind pumping every day or so once to store up milk, but all day long is killing me!Luckily I did have some frozen that I thawed out and feed him because this is one hungry kid! When he drinks from the bottle he is done in 5 minutes with what would usually take him at least 20 minutes so he doesn't feel as satisfied. I'm so glad I have Curt! He would rock Lucas and talk to him while I pumped and kept him from howling! Since I was able to use the frozen breast milk at least I am ahead by one bottle. He won't have to wait for me to pump to eat. His swing is also soothing him and helping him get some sleep!
Also, thanks to Lindsay again I have a way to calm him down. Our rocking chair is right next to the crib so I just flipped the mobile around and I can rock him and he just stares up at his mobile and listens to the music and can drift off to sleep!
I just can't wait for his appointment to be over tomorrow and just be at home with my baby (and my husband when he gets home.) At least tomorrow is Friday!
Oh I am glad your own personal Nazi helped you today.
I am so sorry to hear about your trials, I am really glad you listened to your motherly intuitions that is so important. Keep us updated, I know you will.
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