Thank goodness for Teddy.

How else to celebrate Lucas being 2 months old than taking him to the pediatrician and letting them stick 3 needles into his little baby thighs? That is what I thought. Fun for mom and baby! I got to hold him on my lap keeping him still by holding his legs between mine and holding both arms down and he got two ugly brown band-aids.
I think the band-aids where the most depressing part of the whole experience. Where are the sponge bob or Mickey mouse ones? Or at least why didn't he get baby size ones instead of giant adult size that take up almost his whole thigh. I can just imagine how much fun we will have pulling the band-aids off. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
His next appointment is at 4 months.
He now weighs 10 lbs 12 oz and is 22 & 1/2 inches long.
Colby was so mad at the nurse a few weeks ago, when she gave him a shot. He pulled his bandaid off and it got stuck on his back. He was very irritated with the ugly brown bandaid.
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