Lucas spent so much time awake today that it is nice too see him sleeping!

Today we had dinner with Curt's mom. During dinner we just spent the time catching up it was nice. Lucas did another trick today. I've heard of babies pooping up their backs, but I didn't know they could poop up the front of their bodies! Well Lucas sure did! His diaper was filled as well as the front of his body almost up to his little baby nipples. I don't know what I would have done with out his Grandma there! She helped hold him on the little counter in the Godfather's bathroom while I tried to clean him up the best I could until we got home. Needless to say he got his second bath of the day when we got home.
The whole day Curt was miserable, his ear ache wasn't getting any better and he wanted instant results with the at home treatments he tried. Thank Goodness for his mom! After we ate we went to K-mart because she was looking for sweet oil (it is what she used when the kids were little), we didn't find any BUT she picked up these drops that said they relieved pain from ear infections and a GIANT bottle of tylenol. As soon as I got to the car Curt put the drops in his ears and by the time we got home he felt better. They really work! Good to know for any future ear infections Lucas might have.
I really lucked out in the mother-in-law department! I have heard horror stories from friends and family that have to deal with in-laws from hell. I just hope one day I'm half as nice to the person my little baby boy ends up with.
Tomorrow we are going to my parents' house for a Labor Day cookout and I'm excited. Since gas has been so high I haven't been over there as much as I would have liked. Also I will finally get postage stamps to send out Lucas' baby announcements that I've had for weeks! (I begged Lori to go pick them up for me and that I would pay her back when I saw her.)
Gosh I know you were glad he pooped. He just had to wait until the Pizza Place though. LOL I guess I will try to be nice when he poops on me.
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