Lucas can now hold his head up for over 5 minutes!

So for a while now Lucas can hold up his head. Today I propped his body on the arm of the chair so he could look at his Daddy. We started to notice that Lucas was holding his head up and just hanging out. Finally I yelled at Curt to run and get the camera (he has an ear infection so he can't hear out of one ear so I wasn't being mean, but more on that later). It is so cool watching your kid do something new! Also now that he is discovering his hands he would rather suck on them then his pacifier, which now means now Lucas has developed what Curt calls "baby drool." I think Lucas tricked him and he thought we brought home a drool free baby.
I figured out what happens when your kid doesn't poop for a week then makes a small "fake out" poop to make his mom think everything is back to normal. Nope, he is saving it all up and does a weeks worth of pooping all at once. I don't know how the diaper was still in tact!
Curt was actually home tonight (usually he goes to his grandparents' house and I spend time at Ted and Lisa's or at my parents). Tomorrow we are supposed to have dinner with his Mom. I have pumped a 4 ounce bottle just in case. Today I also realized that next month we are supposed to be going to Helen, GA which is a few hours away. I need to start pumping and freezing milk for when we go. It takes less time to feed Lucas a bottle then let him nurse. So while we are on the road we will feed him like that.
Like I mentioned earlier Curt has a bad ear infection. He got so desperate he asked me to put breast milk in it. I say desperate because he is fine with my breast feeding Lucas at home, nut honestly it freaks him out a little. Plus he is a freak about "bodily fluids." (He wouldn't hold any of his nephews or niece until they were past the drooling phase). He remembered hearing a few people say that it helps clear it right up. Of course he did a google search to make sure it wasn't just something my mom said. So I took an ear dropper and put a few drops in there. It is supposed to clear it up within 24-48 hours. I hope it really does work. Then maybe he will lose some of his bodily fluids phobia. I can't wait until Lucas pees on him!
1 comment:
I hope Curt feels better soon.
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