Crystal and Me at Crystal's baby shower. She is Due Nov 14. Click here to see us both pregnant at my baby shower

This morning I woke up at 8 and started feeding Lucas. When he fell asleep I stuck him in bed with his Dad and took a shower. As I finished getting ready Curt got himself ready and I dressed Lucas and fed him until we all left at 10. I was going to Crystal's baby shower and Curt was going to his parents. I made sure I sent him with plenty of pumped milk and a fully stocked diaper bag. As Curt was driving off with Lucas I teared up just a little bit. This was my first real outing away from him that didn't involve running to the store to pick something up and rushing right back.
The shower was from 11-1. I got there about 11:45 and had a mimosa with a splash of korbel. It was the first sip of alcohol that I've had in at least 11 months. I felt a little tingly pretty soon after but it didn't last long and I didn't have anymore since I didn't want to come home and liquor up the baby. It was so great to see Crystal with little Nicholas Alexander in her belly. At noon my phone rang the first time. It was Curt saying he was heading home already because his step-mom had gone to the store and his Dad was sleeping on the couch. Right as Crystal was finishing up opening her gifts I get another call from Curt. I can hear Lucas screaming bloody murder in the background. Curt asks if I can PLEASE COME HOME because Lucas won't stop crying and he had to stick him in his crib and shut the door because he was getting stressed out.
I hugged Crystal goodbye and left right away. I thought Lucas must be hungry and I was feeling a little guilty that I didn't leave him enough to eat. As I was in the car I called Curt back and he said he tried everything, feeding him, changing him, taking his clothes off in case he was hot, wrapping him up in case he was cold and he still was SCREAMING. When I got home I found an upset husband and baby. Almost as soon as I picked Lucas up he settled down. He felt a little cold and I went to find his onsie to put back on him and it reeked of smoke.
I asked Curt if anyone smoked around him and he said no, they went into another room. (Nothing against Curt's family, they are smokers and last time we went over there and nobody smoked in the house while we were there we still came home smelling like smoke.) I think the smoke just bothered him and he wasn't used to his Daddy smelling like smoke either. I have read about how if your baby seems really upset it could be because you don't smell the same. I noticed this after buying on sale shampoo so I had to go out and buy my normal shampoo and I have a bottle of almost new shampoo and conditioner I can't use. I was very delicate with the smoking issue when I talked about it with Curt because I didn't want him to feel like I was attacking his parents. I am just concerned about the smoke thing which I am sure everyone can understand. Lucas even sounded a bit wheezy.
I rocked him and he went to sleep and we cuddled up on the couch and went to sleep. It turns out I left him plenty to eat. He still had 3 ounces left over. When we finally woke up at 4 he was hungry and I hadn't nursed him since 10 I was uncomfortably full. After feeding him for as long as he wanted to nurse I pumped 2 ounces from one breast in less than 10 minutes. Usually that is how much I get from both breasts in 20-30 minutes when I pump. I just wish I could get a supply stocked up in the freezer so I am not rushing to pump before I go out and really need it.
Curt kept apologizing for calling me home early. I think he felt really bad when Lucas seemed to stop crying as soon as he had his mommy. I think he did feel a little better when I explained to him about the smell thing. We are going to have to figure out a better way to deal with the smoking thing though.
I was so excited that Desperate Housewives came on tonight but I fell asleep before it was over I was so exhausted.
Also my Uncle Jimmy and his wife Lindsay had their baby today! I am so excited to see pictures.
I'm glad you got to go. I was tempted to call Curt but by the time I would have you would have been home.
Next time send him my way. I can handle my big baby boy and your little baby boy at the same time.
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