Listening to story time after the "incident"

I took my little shopping buddy with me to get a gift for Crystal's baby shower. The task was harder than it sounds because I wanted to get her something that would be useful but also not necessarily on her baby registry. I would still be standing in Target right now if Lucas would have let me. I've known Crystal since 6th grade and I wish I could buy her one of everything in the store. It just seems like all the "practical" gifts are boring gifts. I am still on the lookout for something cool! (Her baby shower is Sunday.) I think the reason that I am excited is this is my first official "real" baby shower that wasn't my own and with people I don't know.
Curt is planning on taking Lucas to his parents house while I am gone and then meeting me back home afterwards. I would love to see his step-mom Sunday but I know after the shower I'll be ready to nurse, and nursing there really isn't an option. Oh I just remembered I'll see her and the rest of his family Saturday night for dinner at his grandma's house. I think it is our last family dinner before Curt's sister Angela and her gang move to Arizona.
I found myself apologizing to Lucas tonight over and over. He fell asleep after nursing laying on his Boppy and I gently moved him off my lap and set him in our oversized chair I was sitting in so I could go to the bathroom. I have done this millions of times before, the only difference is I always roll the ottoman up to the chair so if he rolls a little bit he won't roll off into the floor. (He isn't rolling over yet but when he wakes up he starts flailing his hands and arms like crazy as he wakes up... it is amazing the momentum he gets from doing this). So of course the one time I don't slide the ottoman to protect him he rolls into the floor.
When I walked back to the chair after I finished in the bathroom I found him laying on the floor looking up at me about to cry. I scooped him up and started apologizing over and over "I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Thank goodness he wasn't crying or I know I would have been too. He was fine. I think it hurt me more than him. I took him into his room and read him a story while I rocked him back to sleep.
All I could think about is being at one of his well baby checkups and Patty (the person who sees him when his Pediatrician is not avialable) told me to never leave him unattended because babies of any age can fall off of things and get hurt. I feel like the next time I take him in for his next appointment as soon as they walk in they will know!!!
This is the sort of story I will not be sharing at the baby shower or admitting to anyone else.... I'm going to keep it between me, Lucas, and the internet. (I can't even bring myself to tell Lisa this time)
Okay I won't call dfacs. You haven't called them on the unfacemasked boys mother. Did I ever tell you my youngest fell off of the bed, VERY DANGEROUS in a pile of junk we had on the side of the bed. He managed to find the one spot where the bedgate wasn't covering to slip down and fall. It was very very scary.
Fortunately I learned early about that- believe me it has to happen to everyone at least once- I have a little brother 10 years younger than me and he fell off my bed while in my care so it is normal and something everyone has to go through. Lucas will bang and bruise himself more than that in his lifetime.
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