Even when my baby is upset I can't resist taking pictures, especially when he is wearing PJ's with feet.

So now that gas is getting up there and our Explorer needs to go into the shop Curt has been driving the yellow tracker to work and I have been staying home. It is funny the days that I have to take Lucas to Doctor appointments I am able to take a shower but the days we have no where to go for some reason I just can't seem to get a shower until Curt gets home. It just seems like Lucas can tell "Hey Mama, we don't have anywhere to go so I'm going to stay awake and hold me and feed me and no shower for you" and then of course there is an evil laugh at the end.
Today I finished reading Baby Laughs: The Naked Truth About the First Year of Mommyhood By Jenny McCarthy (I started it yesterday afternoon) and it was really funny. I know it sounds crazy but I am able to read more now. While I am nursing I usually read instead of watch TV... maybe it has something to do with the fact that usually when I am awake in the wee hours feeding my little squirrel baby (yes I've started to call him that because of how he holds his little hands to his mouth) there is NOTHING on TV. Yesterday I finished The Girlfriends' Guide to Surviving the First Year of Motherhood which I had been reading the past week. That was really good too! Both of them though made me feel the slightest bit worried again about getting Lucas to sleep in his crib eventually.
I thought today that I would start putting him in there for an occasional nap just so he gets used to sleeping in there by himself. I swear my kid is smart already. Even in his sleep he can tell his Mommy is trying to trick him. For the two times I put him in there (after getting him to sleep) the first time he slept for 30 minutes, the second for 15. I know that I shouldn't be stressed about it yet. The last time I was worried about it Lindsay calmed me down and I think her advice about waiting until he is 3 months is good.
I noticed that Lucas is a little more clingy today. I hope I didn't make him scared of his crib because usually I can stick him in there with his mobile going for at least a good 15 minutes and he is entertained (especially with the new mobile). Of course maybe it has something to do with the fact that I never drink caffeine and I had a lot of Coca-Cola today and 4 reecie cups.
Well my little guy is waking up...
Do whatever makes you feel comfortable. The good thing about him being so little is you can't spoil him or ruin him because everyday is a new day and to him yesterday doesn't exist. I think trying the crib every once in a while is good, and the mobile thing helps because it gets him to entertain himself and learn that his crib is ok.
He looks cute in his feetie pjs
I'm pretty sure that is the cutest baby face I've ever seen. Ever.
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