My baby love, you are growing so big! When you wrap your fingers around mine they cover more of my finger each time. Also your nails are growing like weeds and I have to cut them just about everyday because I wake up to find you with scratch marks down the sides of your face. Your Dad wants me to buy you some of those baby mittens but I found some of the clothes your Aunt Angela gave us that have hand covers on them. I am amazed by how much lint you collect between your fingers. I know this is gross but I love cleaning out the fuzz between your fingers while you are nursing or sleeping.

I can watch you sleep for hours. If you fall asleep I tell myself I am waiting to make sure you are asleep before I lay you in your bassinet but in reality I just want to watch your little chest rise and fall and kiss your little head a little longer. Your Dad is always obsessed with you going to sleep but I think it is for other reasons...

Jadie still loves to sniff you (which I allow) and taste you (which I won't let her because your Dad freaks out) and she loves to just be near you. When she lays near your feet you love to knead her hair with your toes. I guess it is a new texture for you.

I can already tell that you and Jadie will get along well. When she is laying near your feet and you wake up crying you kick your feet, so you kick Jadie. She just lays there and lets you kick her and she doesn't try to steal your toys to chew on them. Now that is love.

Your other best friend is still your snuggly. It was the best $4.00 I've ever spent! You just love to cuddle with him, squeeze him, and eat him. The other day I took you to the grocery store and the cashier asked me "Oh how old is she?" She thought you were a girl because the blanket on your snuggly is yellow. Yellow is not a girl only color! I wouldn't care if it was pink though because you love it so much.

I can't believe he is 11 weeks. His little stuffed toys are so cute.
We all love the Jadie / Lutas picture. He looks like his mommy
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