He'll have even more fun when his feet can touch and he can reach all the toys to eat them!

Today was a GREAT day! I guess talking to Curt really is easier then expecting him to read my mind. He has always been a HUGE help when I would ask him but my problem was asking. I just expected him to KNOW what I needed. Instead of just asking I would just secretly fume inside and by the time he would ask if there was anything he could do I would be so mad I wouldn't want him to help anymore. Today he even asked if there was anything he could do when Lucas would cry or ask if I needed a break.
This afternoon we went over to Ted and Lisa's for a party for Lisa's sister Aggie. We had a lot of fun! I always have fun when I get to talk to other adults, eat, and my new favorite game is quickly becoming pass the baby. Curt gave Lucas a tiny taste of frosting on his lips and then strawberry filling from the cake he was eating. I got on to him a little but I wasn't lecturing or mad at him and about 15 minutes later Lucas spit up on me and it was strawberry colored. I think it was Lucas' way of saying he isn't ready to taste foods that way just yet. (Another cool thing about nursing is baby's get to taste different foods through their mom's milk.)
I can't wait for Lucas to be able to play with his cousins. Every time we go over to Ted and Lisa's Colby and Shane always talk to him. It is so sweet to watch Colby lightly stroke Lucas' head and say "Hi Lutas." Today I was holding him while Lucas was sleeping and I asked Colby where his nose was and he gently touched Lucas' nose and smiled.
I think Colby, Shane, and their friend Krista wore Curt out. They were having a pillow war. Curt would throw the pillows at Shane and Krista who would try to dodge them laughing and Colby would retrieve them and bring them back to him. It is times like this that are bitter sweet and I know make Curt miss his Sister Angela and her kids.
1 comment:
Thanks for coming over. Too bad you didn't take a big hunk of cake with you. UGH!
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