Jadie doesn't want to be left out of play time. I think Lucas enjoys getting to look at her up close as well.

Today was a pretty good day. I was able to get some housework done during the day instead of doing it while Lucas sleeps at night. Also I am making a conscious effort to make sure Lucas gets more play time. Honestly I think one of my problems is I used to spend too many of his waking hours trying to get him back to sleep and not enough letting him play. Now I am starting to think some of his fussiness is just out of boredom (of course I didn't come up with this alone I read it some where.) Another thing that seems to be helping is I can tell now when Lucas is going to be hungry so I can feed him before he is starving.
Also now I can really tell he is growing. Before I noticed that his hands and feet where getting bigger and I know he is getting longer but now he is starting to outgrow some of his clothes in the waist. This weekend I put him in a pair of overalls that a few weeks ago swallowed him up and now they fit perfect. He is still growing longer because now his pants are starting to look like they are baby capris.
He is also pooping more, A LOT more. When he was first born he went all the time then slowly he would go a few days between going. He didn't seem constipated and his pediatrician assured me that was normal. Now he is starting to go a couple times a day again and the more he poops the happier he seems to get. The only problem I am having now is sometimes I seem to change his diaper at the most inopportune moments. If I didn't know better I would think he was trying to poop on me. I'm also starting to rethink not getting a diaper genie... because even though we take out the trash every day there is a "new" smell in the house now.
Curt is steal being wonderful. Tonight we tag teamed dinner and he helped out with Lucas even more. I just had to get out of the house for five minutes by myself so I drove up to the convenience store and bought a rice krispy treat and Curt took over watching Lucas. When I got back I found Curt playing a computer game with Lucas on his lap. Curt was telling Lucas step by step what he was doing "Do you see the big bear, Let's go slay it" (or something like that, good education game ha ha) and Lucas was happily eating his fists.
I am glad your day was better.
Ahhh the magic of a rice krispy treat.
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