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Sunday, October 23, 2005

Who are you and what have you done with my husband?

You know he is thinking "Oh I so am!" Posted by Picasa

Curt and I were in the midst of our Sunday routine (I feed Lucas, pass him to Curt, he burps him, then Lucas and I nap on the couch... and repeat) when Curt says to me "I want to make dinner, but I have to go to the grocery store first!" While he has "threatened" this before he has never followed through. He has never in the almost 5 years that I have known him ever gone to the grocery store alone. Sure he's gone with me a few times kicking and screaming and stopped once at a gas station on his way home from work to pick me up something I was craving while I was pregnant or even picked up fast food for us for dinner. He has NEVER gone grocery shopping alone.

As he took a shower and got dressed I asked in disbelief "You are going grocery shopping... alone?" as he nodded I handed over the Food Lion MVP card and kissed him goodbye. About an hour and about $70 later he returned grocery bags in hand. He did pretty well for his first trip. He did buy some veggies and a lot of stuff I can't eat because they give Lucas bad gas pains (like about a dozen frozen burritos) but his heart was in the right place so I bit my tongue. WHICH WAS HARD!!! Next time I'll just send him with a list.

The night only got stranger when he cooked dinner, (ham, spinach, and Mac & cheese) and even packed his own lunch for the next day! He did have to kick me out of the kitchen when I was telling him that he was cooking everything wrong... Let's just say maybe I shouldn't make fun of my brother anymore. When Curt was just eyeing the amount of milk and butter he added to the Mac and cheese I think I felt my skin crawl. Ok I am a little anal I guess. Maybe I'm the cooking Nazi.

He also held a screaming baby while I took a shower long enough to shave my legs (can't even remember the last time I did that) and took a nap.

Who knew that whole talking to your spouse and telling them how they can make your life easier thing really does work... and to think I have been using that whole "I'm shooting you evil daggers with my eyes because you should just KNOW what I want and need for you to do" wasn't as effective.

I feel like I won the husband lottery.


Anonymous said...

Ah the joys of macaroni and cheese made properly. Wait till Lucas learns how to make PB & J with his loving Uncle.

... Did I forget to mention the art of timing Ramen noodles. No lettuce included. (Weird)

Liz said...

AMEN to that- we have just went through that whole thing AGAIN, it will happen to you again too I am sure, just remember what you need to do.