This morning Lucas sat next to me while I ate my breakfast. He just wouldn't stop eyeing my food! He just sat there with his eyes on me and his mouth opened wide with this expression like "hey over here! Everyone is eating but me!" So after I put up my plate I put him in his swing and locked it in place (it doubles as a high chair... I love baby things that are multi-functional) and let him try a little baby cereal.

I mixed up about a tablespoon of baby cereal (it looks like grits) with a little breast milk and he instantly opened his mouth each time. However, with each bite I became more convinced that what he was coveting this whole time was our eating utensils. I think his eagerness was less about the food and more about having another object in his mouth to taste and gum on. I confirmed my suspicions after I gave him the spoon with nothing on it. He seemed just as happy if not happier that there wasn't any smooshy food in the way of gumming his spoon.

Then I gave him a toy and he went to town chomping on it! (see video and my camera doesn't have sound) I should have known with the way he has been putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. Earlier tonight he grabbed my finger and gummed down on it and I was surprised by
how hard he could "bite." I wonder if he will be one of those babies that starts cutting teeth early.

As I am typing he is sitting in his bouncy seat going to town on a little stuffed bear. It looks like it tastes 100% better than any old baby cereal. So I think for now we will retire his spoon again in a few weeks.

Normally the last thing I like to do is sit at home on a Saturday night without anyone over the age of 1 (every Saturday evening Curt goes to his Grandpa's for a few hours for some guy time) but here I am. I decided that since Lucas has just started his sleeping schedule of going to bed around 8ish I should stay in with him. Man am I craving some adult conversation.
Hi, Kari. I'm sure y'all have plenty of offers, but we could babysit if you do talk him into it. Call if you wanna chat. Sometimes I even act grown up, hee hee.
Your video is so cool. I love the pictures too.
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