Since my Mom had to work today we all went over to my parents' house this evening. Everyone was in a good mood because we were all together and we found out that Lori's husband will be coming home from Iraq at 3:15 AM. So he will miss Christmas by just a few hours. We wanted to be there to welcome him home with Lori and everyone else but Lucas hasn't been feeling well and needs a good nights sleep. (He woke up almost every hour last night and this morning in between playing with his toys he just wanted to be held and comforted) He is teething, spitting up again, has his first minor case of diaper rash , and he has a little cold. Even though he wasn't feeling 100%, he had a great time at his Grandparents' house...

Daddy decided to give Lucas a candy cane...

and before I could even say anything about it Lucas was covered in stickiness...

had sucked all the red off of it!!!

Jadie was happy to be included and not left home alone.

Grandpa helping Colby open his presents.

Shane, "I'm a present!"

Grandma and Lucas

My brother Ted teaching his son Shane how to sign.
Leave it to Big Daddy to give Lucas his first sweet taste of processed sugar. Looks Daddy enjoyed it as much as Lucas.
Those are cute. Looks like y'all had fun.
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